
Introduction to EViews

This is a feature-rich analytical application developed by IHS Inc. and is widely use by researcher for modelling, data analytics as well as forecasting. Is is also used for econometric analysis

EViews can be used for simple descriptive statistics test as well as advance parametric and non-parametric statistical hypothesis tests and time series analysis. It contains set of rich statistical and econometric tools for analyzing cross-sectional, time series and panel data.


EViews can be used for the following operations listed below:

  • Ordinary Least Squares(OLS)
  • Two Stage Least Squares
  • Generalized Method of Moments(GMM)
  • Limited Dependent Variable
  • Markov Switching
  • Co-integration Regression
  • And lots more

Download EViews from here. You will have a trial period of 30 days if you are not ready to purchase the full version yet.

Estimations tool available in Eview has be used for a wide variety of univariate and multivariate datasets.


Eviews Interface


Eveiws can be used for statistical data analysis and other kinds of general statistics such as time-series estimation and forecasting. Eveiws integrates well and can accept input data from a variety of formats including MS Excel formats, SPSS, Stata and RATS. However the underlying format of data storage is proprietary.

The three methods of working with EViews includes

GUI(Graphical User Interface): This is the easiest method of working with EViews. In this case you use the mouse and the menus and tools in the toolbar.

Single Command Interface: In this mode you enter command and execute them line by line using the command line interface.

Program Files: In this case, pre-assembled scripts are executed to carry out operations.


Basics of EViews Files

  • Unlike Microsoft Excel, Eview does not open with a blank sheet
  • Files created in Eviews are called WorkFiles
  • Workfiles must contain some data to be opened

In Eviews, workfiles are like containers for objects which are collection of information related to a given analysis being performed such as graphs, tables and equations

To create a workfile, you need to first describe the structure of the data to be analysed


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